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The library

Parque Villa-Lobos Library (BVL) is an invitation to literature, knowledge and the exchange of information. Just like São Paulo Library (BSP), it has a 'living library' model. Besides books, it is a place for people to feel connected and a stimulus to experience good moments.

Located in the park with the same name in a space of more than four thousand square meters, BVL opened in 2015 and is an example of revitalization of the urban space; its building was set in the area of an old landfill of the Company of Warehouse and Generals Warehouse of the State of São Paulo (CEAGESP).

It occupies a large concrete, steel and glass pavilion. The façade, in exposed concrete is made up by large balconies that overlook reflecting pools around the construction, connecting the inner part of the library to the natural surroundings. Internally, it has double height ceilings and open spaces protected by transparent glass framed windows, which bring natural lighting to environments.

A number of activities take place in this informal and welcoming space, such as storytelling, soirées, workshops, musical presentations, meetings with writers, among other events of an extensive program- totally free of charge.   The facility also has an electronic game room, a playroom, computers with access to the Internet, an auditorium, a deck overlooking the park, and bicycle and skate racks.

The collection, which is updated on a weekly basis, focuses on literature and environmental issues. It is made up by books, magazines, newspapers, electronic books, audiobooks, comic books, DVDs and CDs, as well as books in braille and text-to speech, geared towards people with special needs. With an inclusive and accessible environment, the library has several devices of assistive technology, such as automatic page turner, ergonomic table, autonomous reader, audio reproducer, braille display, adapted keyboard and mouse and computers with screen readers, among others.

The library was elected one of the three best libraries in the world in 2019 by the International Excellence Awards carried out in London. In the year before that, in 2018, it was one of the five finalists in the award of public library of the year promoted by the International Federation of Associations and Library Institutions (IFLA), the leading international body of the area. Still in 2018, it received a merit award in the IPL Award- Reading Portraits, carried out by Pro-book Institute, sponsored by the Brazilian Association of School Books (Abrelivros), the Brazilian Book Chamber and the National Union of Book Publishers (Snel).

Parque Villa-Lobos Library (BVL) is a cultural facility of the Secretariat of Culture and Creative Economy of São Paulo State Government, managed by the Social Organization SP Leituras (elected one of the best NGOs in Brazil for the third consecutive year).

The collection

The physical collection of Parque Villa-Lobos Library (BVL) counts on more than 42 thousand diversified items, and is updated on a weekly basis. The focus lies on national and foreign literature (German, Japanese, Italian and American, among others). It also features works on Philosophy, Religion, Self-help, Sports, Biographies and History. Besides books, DVDs, magazines, newspapers and comic books, board games and other games can also be found.

The fascination of adults, young people and children for the digital world is one of the possibilities of bringing them closer to reading practices. For this reason, counting on electronic access is also a great opportunity for cultural and social inclusion, as well as entertainment.

The cultural programming

Diversified for several audiences, in-person and online. Such is the cultural agenda at BVL. It includes storytelling, games and play for children, workshops and courses for young people, soirée, luau and chess. Chats with renowned writers, courses, workshops, reading clubs and audiobook. All free of charge!


Today, libraries are synonyms with dynamic, attractive and inclusive spaces for all social classes and above all, full of new offers!

Welcoming, friendly, comfortable, colorful, airy and beautiful environment. Gentle, caring and dedicated service, which aims at receiving and integrating the community.

This is the way BVL welcomes visitors and makes services available to them.

Here it is possible to watch movies, listen to music, play board games, games or just relax at one of the many living areas by reading a book, magazine or newspaper.

There are more than 90 computers for people to access the Internet free of charge for two hours a day. It has an area dedicated to accessibility with furniture and equipment for people with special needs.

BVL uses a system of information management, which controls all routines of a library, making it easier for users to enter and leave the facility, enabling them to borrow titles of their interest without using counter services.

The ground floor, dedicated to children and young people, is organized by age group.

Individual and group reading, drama, movies, the Internet, and board games and cards, among other activities, aim at developing the interest in books and the library. Moreover, parents and/or caregivers may remain close to the little ones, joining them in the activities proposed. Special attention should be given to storytelling groups, who fascinate and involve the family with pure magic by using creativity and fantasy.

On the floor for adults there is a varied collection with releases from the publishing industry and awarded works. Newspapers, magazines, movies of different genders, songs and computers with access to the Internet may be found there. There is also Espaço +60 and the +18 space, which offers a collection geared towards this public.


Our concern about supporting inclusion and autonomy for people with disabilities ranges from providing services and offering collections to making assistive technology equipment available to them. Our collection includes books in braille, audiobooks and text- to- speech books.

We make special furniture for people in wheelchairs available (table at an adjustable height) and devices to assist the visually impaired (blind or those with low vision) when reading, such as electronic magnifying glasses, adapted keyboard and mouse, as well as computers with screen readers.

The cultural program of the library seeks to promote accessibility and inclusion to all audiences in an integrating format through several activities such as board and sensorial games, storytelling with sign language, courses, workshops and events.

Acceptance/ Diversity

Parque Villa-Lobos Library hosts a very diverse audience. Teams are constantly preparing themselves to serve this audience in a humane and empathetic way. The work of the Social Service Nucleus has been developed with the aim of promoting moments of acceptance and dialog, as well as getting to know the surrounding areas to bring communities closer to the library, our social assistants guide and mediate conflict situations, providing visitors with a pleasant experience.

Location, hours, and admission

Address: Avenida Queiroz Filho, 1205, Alto de Pinheiros, São Paulo (SP), 05319-000.

Service hours: From Tuesday to Sundays and holidays, from 9h30am to 06h30 pm. It remains closed on December 24th, 25th, and 31st and on January 1st and Carnival Tuesday.

Free admission

Accessibility: The library has two elevators with tactile signals, as well as accessibility equipment.

How to get to the library: The subway station closest to BVL isVilla-Lobos - Jaguaré (Linha 2 - Verde).

Points of reference: BVL is located in Villa-Lobos Park, near Professor Ruth Cardoso Orchidary.

Parking information: Villa Lobos Park has a paid parking lot, managed by a company not linked to the library. In order to park closer to BVL, access can be made through the D sector of the parking, whose entrance is signalized by Detran monitoring. BSP has a bicycle rack (lock is at the visitor's sole responsibility).

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